Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Stand Up - Adam and Eve

So I'm gonna do this bit that I came up with and the truth is it's not really that funny. But the story around it is. So here goes.

Can someone explain to me how it is that eating an apple is what caused the downfall of mankind? Eating an apple is the ultimate sin? REALLY? You've got two naked people hanging around the Garden of Eden with a snake and eating an apple is the WORST thing you can do? Of course, not everyone believes the Bible is word-for-word true. Some say that it's allegorical . . . that the stories are metaphors not to be taken literally. And I like that idea . . . maybe the snake and the apple were metaphors. Because I gotta tell you - the story of the Fall of Man makes a lot more sense if the snake was really just Adam's cock telling Eve to let Adam tea bag her.

So yeah - not the funniest bit, right? Well I was bouncing this bit off a couple of friends of mine and they both told me the same thing - it's too intellectual. They both told me I need to dumb it down a bit? I'm sorry, who the fuck says a tea bagging joke is "too intellectual"???? I mean - how low on the intelligence totem pole are you when you say a tea bagging joke is too smart??????

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