Thursday, February 21, 2013

Stand Up - Perfect Guy

I love how you ladies all say that all you you want is someone who can make you laugh. Bull. Shit. I'm sorry - it's just not true. Because I'm a pretty funny guy and I can't get anyone to go out with me. I asked a girl out once and she laughed and laughed and I thought "Man, she must really want me!"...... Yeah, not so much.

But really, while you say you just want a guy who can make you laugh what you want is that perfect guy - that hunk who works out and takes care of himself and has the six-pack abs but he's also warm and kind and sensitive and likes fuzzy animals and wants to listen to you at the end of the day. And that's fine, ladies, but it's just not gonna happen, ladies. You're never gonna get that guy. And it's not because they don't exist. On no, there are plenty of them out there. They're just all dating each other......

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