Thursday, November 15, 2012

Stand Up - Smartphones and Stalking

Smartphones have made stalking incredibly easy. Like - SCARY easy. I mean, I can meet a girl at a bar, get her name, and be stalking her by the time the second round is in front of us. But the best is when I'm playing wingman to a buddy. Once I get the name I can start feeding him info and he can make it seem like they're a match made in heaven.

"I love cats. What? You too? No way!"

"So I went to this modern dance concert last night. Really? Too bad - if I'd known you I totally would've gone with you."

The best, though, is when I feed him the wrong info. Then he just looks like a total ass and I get a good laugh out of it.

"I love dogs. What's that? Your little sister was mauled by a dog? Well... Ummm...."

"I'm totally against gay marriage. Those homos aren't entitled to the same rights as us straight people. Oh really? Your brother's gay. I see......"

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